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The Lung CRG was originally established in 2005 and has been instrumental in developing guidelines and care pathways for the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. This has included an agreed minimum dataset compatible for inclusion in the national lung cancer audit (LUCADA) and completion of the Peer Review of lung cancer services in Northern Ireland.


Indications for Chest X-ray during COVID 19 Pandemic

Northern Ireland Cancer Network (NICaN) Lung CRG has developed a referral pathway setting out the indications for CXR for patients with a suspected lung cancer for use during the Covid-19 pandemic. This pathway encourages GPs to think lung cancer and refer patients for a chest x-ray if symptoms are consistent with the NICaN referral guidance.

Interim Chair 

Dr Wendy Anderson is the Interim Chair of the CRG.

Lung CRG Terms of Reference

If you would like any further information on the Lung CRG please contact Jane Keenan, Co-Ordinator / Project Manager,